Wednesday, July 15, 2020

More From The Ultimate Curriculum Exploration Bundle!

If you saw my last post about this bundle, then you're going to love this one even more!
I'm sharing some more resources here - some that we've tried out and some that I know you'll love. These all come from one amazing bundle made by some small Etsy and TeachersPayTeachers shops - including mine. It's full of over 80 units of some amazing curriculum for just $25!

Today I'm sharing just a bit more of the awesome resources included in the bundle here with you - before it's gone! Because it's such an awesome deal - $625 worth of curriculum for $25 - it's hard to show you everything. That's over 80 units and 80 pictures! If, however, you do want to see everything you can head right over to the bundle page here and click on the link there - they will take you to the individual product pages. That way you can get a closer look at everything inside.

But for now, here are a few more of the products you'll get when you buy!

There are 4 of these great geography units inside the bundle - they're so interactive and fun too! 
There is one for Italy (shown here), one for Australia, one for Ireland, and one for London.

These wonderful ocean-themed flashcards look so very pretty up on the wall, or alongside any learning center. They're a great way to involve younger children while doing an ocean or marine biology unit with your older kids too.

This favorite thing writer's notebook is so cute! What better to get kids and students writing than to write about their favorite subject - themselves! There are a ton of topics included, and really nice writing pages for each.

Whether you're a teacher or a homeschooler, this digital unit will be a guaranteed hit in your home - it already is in mine! It's FULL of fun and creative games and projects that kids can do completely online using Google classroom - a free to use platform that is super easy to get going! My kids' favorite thing in here is the scavenger hunt - every page shows a picture of something for kids to find (like a toothbrush) and has a timer of 45 seconds for them to go and get it. A GREAT rainy day activity!

These CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) word mats are so much fun to use and get your kids both reading and writing! There are a TON of word cards to use that cover most of the common word families of these three letter words. A great next step for a child who has just learned their letter sounds!

This unit included in the bundle is absolutely amazing and BURSTING with printables! It is WEEKS worth of distance learning perfect for homeschoolers or teachers. Everything is laid out for you, including pacing and lesson plans, perfect for younger elementary-aged kids. I can't wait to use this one with my youngest in the Fall!

These 3 incredible learning units are part of this bundle too! There is a Rhythms unit (the one I'm most excited about!), a Sensory unit, and a fun Detective-themed unit too. These all come from Brilliant Bungalow, who is actually the seller who put this wonderful bundle together! She is being SUPER generous and offering all of these units - plus a bonus if you decide to upgrade your bundle...

If you follow along with The Green Ember stories with your kids, then you will LOVE this guide! The Green Ember follows two rabbits who go on mystifying adventures. The books follow a classical education approach, teaching kids through stories. This guide comes with week-by-week and chapter-by-chapter activities you can do while you read the books. It's a great way to get in some summer activities and beat that stay-at-home boredom.

This set from Crafts Fun & Learning is one of my absolute favorites in this bundle. I have actually bought quite a few sets from this shop before, and they are always so well-thought-out and fun. In this set, you'll go on a word family picnic, write the room with summer-themed words, make 'pool soup', lego fruits, and geoboard goodies! And that's not even all of the activities in this unit.

Any homeschool mom will tell you how much math they've taught in the kitchen! That's exactly what this fun unit is all about - learning everything from adding to fractions using fun (and delicious!) recipes. 

Ask ANY kid what their favorite dinosaur is, and I'm almost certain they'll tell you ALL about it! This dinosaur writing 'craftivitiy' has kids writing a short paragraph about their favorite prehistoric beast and cutting out and coloring a cute topper to add onto it. It looks amazing when a whole classroom full of these are hung on the wall, and at home kids love seeing their hard work hung on the fridge. This is one we'll definitely be doing this year!

This construction themed busy binder is the perfect thing to keep younger kids busy while older kids are doing school or you're just trying to get things done. It has pages and pages (and pages!) of activities that are interactive, educational, and best of all, fun. Your pre-k or kinder kid is guaranteed to love it. Especially if they love tools and trucks!

This Reduce, Reuse, Recycle unit is another one we'll be using this year for science. It teaches all about how things decompose, different types of waste, how things are recycled, and more. It's a great way to introduce kids to caring for the earth and taking part in making their neighborhood a cleaner place. It also includes some literacy activities for reading and writing!

I absolutely love everything to do with reading about history, and so I am so thrilled that these heritage letters were included in the bundle! There is a fun "letter from" Helen Keller, and one from Louis Armstrong. They each come with some fun extras too to make learning about these two amazing people even more fun. A really great resource to have on hand!

If you're studying space anytime soon, then this bundle is a must! It is packed full of so many units on the solar system, constellations, and the moon phases! You'll absolutely be spoiled for choice here, and a lot of these units come with lesson plans or ideas to boot!

Again, I can't include absolutely everything that is in this amazing bundle - there's just too much goodness to fit onto one page! But I can tell you that it's only around for a few more days, and then it's gone for good!

I also want to mention that 4 of my own best-selling sets are included in the bundle too! My Watercolor Shapes Set, My SMoothie Shop Pretend Play Set, Alligator Comparing Numbers set, and the Cloud Animal Alphabet Cards set too!