Sunday, February 9, 2025

New Situational Math Problem for Elementary Cycle 2

New Situational Math Problem for Elementary Cycle 2

 A new situational math problem for cycle 2 elementary (grades 3-4). Want more situational math problems? Check out my free math resources page!

In this unit, students will use their number sense skills to help figure out the problem. This unit is best done at the beginning of the year after you have covered the basics of numbers, decomposing numbers and reviewed basic addition (if necessary)

The problem focuses on a group of students who are part of an astronomy club and need to keep track of how many stars they have observed over a month. It would go great with a fun space-themed day or during a week when you'll be studying some astronomy together.

I've made sure to include an answer key to make grading easy, as this problem has one definite answer. I have also included a page going over how to solve a situational problem so that both you and your learners can show their work in a way that will be useful to them on future exams and tests.

You can download the unit for free using the dropbox link below. Enjoy learning!

Grab the Free Situational Math Problem Here

Monday, November 18, 2024

Free French Verbs Unit: Spell-Changing Verbs

Free French Verbs Unit: Spell-Changing Verbs

Spell-changing verbs are verbs that do not follow normal conjugation rules.
In this unit, students will learn how to conjugate them in the present tense, and get plenty of practice too!

 This unit includes:

  • Rule posters
  • Spell-changing verb dictionary
  • All conjugated verbs in the dictionary
  • Conjugation practice pages

Thursday, October 24, 2024

NEW French Writing Unit 9: Spell-Changing Verbs and Food

NEW French Writing Curriculum
Unit 9: Spell-Changing Verbs and Food

 Want to see more units in this series? See my store page here!

The next unit in my Read, Write and Spell French curriculum is finally here! 

It has been a bit of a crazy time here for us, having to have our home fixed up after our basement being flooded during hurricane Debby (my namesake hurricane, of all things!), so I am just now catching up on my curriculum creation schedule :) But we are all doing great, renovations are underway and we're finally getting back into our grooves of regular (ish) life.

So I am so happy to announce that the next unit of this amazing curriculum series is here! I am so happy to hear from so many of you who have been successfully using it and seeing your learners thrive. In this new unit, they'll continue to learn about verbs in the present tense, write sentences and paragraphs, and learn more vocabulary.

Read-aloud lessons, Dictations, Worksheets & Quizzes!

As with every unit your learners will get plenty of practice! 2 Read-aloud lessons, daily practice worksheets, daily dictations, weekly quizzes and more will ensure students understand and remember what they have learned in this unit and in previous weeks as well.

In the previous unit, students started to conjugate regular 'er' verbs in the present tense. In the next 2 weeks they'll focus on spell-changing verbs - 2 types of 'er' verbs that have different (but similar) conjugation rules. 

Verbs that end in 'ger' and 'cer' conjugated in the present tense only have one small difference in their conjugation - the 'nous' form of the verb. This makes them a great exception rule to begin with since it is easy to remember. In the verb booklet that comes with this unit, you'll find the most common verbs with these ending types conjugated for you, as well as a picture dictionary for student reference. It also includes extra practice pages so that you can have students practice their verbs more now and over time.

This unit also focuses on food vocabulary and comes with a booklet containing all of the most common foods sorted into food group categories. If you've followed my blog for a while you'll recognize this vocabulary book - you can actually download it for free here!

If you'd like to try a sample of this curriculum before buying, I have a free 2-day sample here!

Download This Unit!
You can buy this unit (and all other units) on my TeachersPayTeachers store!

Enjoy learning!

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Unit 8 French Writing Curriculum: ER Verbs Family, and Aimer

 Unit 8 French Writing Curriculum

ER Verbs Family, and Aimer

See the other units in my TeachersPayteachers or Etsy shops!

If you've been following my French Writing Curriculum with your learners then you'll have already seen how much more they're writing now. Well, I've got some news - they're going to begin really expanding their writing over the next few weeks because we're learning verb conjugations!

Verbs will be a serious game changer in your learner's French vocabulary. Over the next few weeks they'll learn to conjugate verbs in the past, present, and future and learn rules for regular, irregular and spell-changing verbs!

Dictations, Worksheets, and Plenty of Writing!

In this unit, you'll be teaching quite a few concepts - but you'll find that they all fit together rather nicely! That's because you'll be teaching your learners about 'er' verbs, specifically the verb 'aimer' in the present tense. You'll also be adding family vocabulary to that mix so that they can talk about how they love different members of their families.

They'll really begin to practice some serious conjugation too!

That's because this unit includes two different booklets on top of the new vocabulary booklets. A full 'er' verbs book that includes a dictionary, rules of conjugations of 60 verbs in the present tense, and plenty of practice!

They'll also have their regular unit worksheets that have them writing every day and learning new words! Of course they'll also still do daily dictations and weekly quizzes. It also comes with a full answer key!

I highly recommend checking out my previous units before beginning this one - students following these lessons have learned well over 80 vocabulary words and some irregular verbs already! They've also learned French prepositions, colours, and many grammar rules. 

You can buy this new unit in my Etsy or TeachersPayTeachers shops below!

Enjoy learning!

NEW Free French Vocabulary Unit: Ma Famille - My Family

 NEW Free French Vocabulary Unit: 

Ma Famille - My Family

Want more free FSL resources? Click here!

If you're looking for a way to help your FSL learners expand their vocabulary, then these vocabulary units are just the ticket! They can be used as a reference to include in writing activities, as a center, cut into flashcards, or even used for a spelling list.

In this free French vocabulary unit, you'll find 39 family vocabulary words! Easy to print in black and white, every page has the word in French, an English translation, and an illustration to help make referencing and visualizing easier.

This unit is part of my Read, Write and Spell French Curriculum! Read more about it here!

You can download this vocabulary book for free below. Enjoy learning!

Monday, July 22, 2024

Free French ER Verbs Unit and Worksheets

Free French ER Verbs Unit and Worksheets

 Want more free French resources? Check out my resource page!

This unit is part of my French Read Write and Spell Curriculum

If you have ever had to learn French then you know how important learning all the verb tenses and conjugations is! With this freebie, you'll be able to teach how to conjugate regular 'er' verbs in the present tense (along with exceptions!)

French Verb Picture Dictionary and Conjugation Rules

In this unit, you'll find posters showing how to conjugate most 'er' verbs in French in the present tense. You'll also get a picture dictionary that shows the verb, a visual, and the translation of the verb. The dictionary is made purposely so that you could also cut it into cards or cut it and use it for games like memory match.

Besides posters showing the rules, you'll also find a page detailing how to conjugate most of this verb group. I have also included a page that details the exceptions to this rule (ex: -yer verbs) so that you can introduce those to learners later on. The great thing about the dictionary in this unit is that it only contains verbs conjugated using the regular rule.

French Worksheets, Dictation, And Conjugated Verbs

I've also included quite a few resources to practice conjugating verbs in this unit. 

First, it includes all the 60 verbs conjugated into the present tense. These can be used as a reference or 
even used as a spelling test if you'd like. 

I've included worksheets that have students simply conjugate a verb or one that includes room to conjugate a verb and then write a sentence using it.

You'll also find dictation and spelling list sheets. These are a great way to learn and practice using these common verbs or other French words that you're learning.

Finally, there's a matching game that can be used to match the French verb to its English meaning. This can be used in many ways including a matching game, write around the room, or the game "J'ai, Qui a?"

Download this freebie below!

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Free French Vocabulary Book - Clothing - les vêtements

 Free French Vocabulary Book 

Clothing - les vêtements

Want more FREE French resources? Check out my French page!
Need a French (FSL) writing curriculum? Check out mine!

This vocabulary book goes with part 7 of my French Read Write and Spell curriculum!

Teaching a new language requires that we give our learners plenty of practice! Not only do they need to learn the language conventions, grammar, speaking and phonetics, but they need to learn plenty of vocabulary too.

That is why I began to include these vocabulary reference books in my French writing curriculum. Not only do they make great reference material, but they can be used to make spelling lists, flashcards, and more!

In this booklet, you'll find everyday clothes, seasonal clothes, and accessories. I tried to really cover every type of clothing that most people wear, but if something you regularly wear is not in there, I've also added blank pages so that you can add your own words and drawings.

You can download this freebie below. Enjoy learning and teaching <3