**Psst - scroll down for the free download link...
Well, it's finally our first week of school officially this week! I've honestly been preparing all summer for this coming year for many reasons. Mainly it's the first year I'll really be homeschooling 3 kids, and there are so man different levels to think about.
My oldest, MJ, is in high school, while K is in grade 2 (ish) and A is just starting kindergarten. All three of them will be using a certain curriculum that I love called The Good and The Beautiful, but I didn't want to just leap in right away. Especially with the younger ones I wanted to start things out a bit slower and give them some fun learning games and resources to use.
This Pumpkin Match Game 1-20 is one of those things. Made for my youngest, A, it's like playing a fun game, but really gets kids practicing using number sense. That is, matching a number of things to an actual numeral.
And the best part is it doesn't stop at 10 - it goes right up to 20! Plus it has a fun Fall pumpkin theme.
You can choose to print them out and just match them up, or you can cut a slot in them like I did for the pumpkin to go in. It makes it a little extra fun!
You can start by giving your child a wheelbarrow and laying out a few pumpkins - I wouldn't put all 20 out at once since that would be a little overwhelming. I usually put a number out and then put about 5 pumpkins. You can adjust the number of pumpkins to your child's level.
You can go over the number and how to count to it first, or you can just let your child match them all up.
Whatever way you use these pumpkin matching cards, I hope you and yours enjoy them! Download below...
**Please remember that you can share this free resource from THIS page, not the direct download link below. Thank you and enjoy!**