Friday, August 31, 2018

NEW Free Printable Wall Art Poster - Where We Love Is Home!

Well, I loved sharing my printable wall art sign last week and just couldn't wait to share this one with you all too! It features a lovely quote about home:
"Where we love is home. Home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts". -O.W. Holmes, Sr.
 Don't you just love that? It makes me think of my own children making their way in the world, making their own homes, but never forgetting this one of their childhood. Their feet may leave but their hearts will not. Love it!

And you can absolutely print it out for free for your own home! It's a lovely, inexpensive way to add a touch of coziness and color to a room or add some light to a corner that needs brightening.

Download this free printable PDF below, and please remember ...
**Please share this download with whomever you like, just please remember to share THIS page and NOT the direct download page** Thank you!