In September of this year, I started a newsletter that I hoped would help some homeschoolers and teachers out, especially in the midst of this crazy year! I had been wanting to start putting out regular freebies for a while, but never got down to it, but with everything that has happened in the world this year, I figured now was the time to do it.
So every month I have been sending out a HUGE pack of freebies! This post is a sneak peek into what Novembers freebie packs will hold - and I hope you enjoy them! It's 90 pages!!
The wonderful thing about these packs is that you'll get them every month, AND you'll be able to see the previous months freebies too, so long as you stay a subscriber. These freebie packs will stay in their folders until the end of the year, giving you plenty of time to download them too! After that, they'll be stored away and some will be turned into units in my shop, so be sure to grab them while they're free!
You can get instant access to these freebies as soon as you sign up (use the link above).
I love teaching my kids about the calendar. It can be a lot of fun to check off the squares every day, but it's also important to teach littles the concept of writing the date properly. Just think of how often they'll need to do it on all of their forms, school and work papers, and other documents as they get older. That's why I made this fun calendar you can use over and over again each day. Every day, you'll just switch out the day, abbreviation (st, nd, rd, th - for first, second, third, fourth, etc), date. It can even be made a bit sturdier with velcro dots and laminating sheets if you'd like.
The next activity I include each month is two versions of this 'all about me' page. It is so important for kids to know their full name, address, and telephone number. You can use this as a pencil to paper activity, in a dry erase pocket to be used again and again, or have younger kids dictate to you while you write.
Book logs and reports! We've all had times when we wish we had a few extra activities lying around. That's why I've included these monthly book logs with different themes, book reports for younger or older kids, and even 6 book questions kids can answer each month for a reading response journal.
I just love poetry and reading poetry with my kids. So each month you'll also find a poem on a nice patterned or decorated page with some notebooking pages too. The notebooking pages can be used to copy the poem and handwriting practice or spelling practice, or they can just be used for journals or fun!
September had a pumpkin life cycle pack, October had a book about why leaves change color (you can still get both this month by subscribing!) This month I thought it would be fun to include a turkey life cycle pack. This can be used as a full mini-unit too! It includes a life cycle poster, as well as smaller versions for students to use. It also has some different leveled writing pages where kids can write about the life cycle of a turkey. Plus I've included some three-part cards and a little fun fact sheet of turkey facts!
I am SUPER excited to share this month's writing freebie with you! It's all about stretching out sentences and helping kids to write a little more every time they write. It includes a poster, mini versions of the poster for students, a graphic organizer (color-coded or black and white), and even some writing pages with 3 levels of handwriting!
I really hope you love this activity!
Writing prompts! We use them often, especially when I don't have a writing lesson planned and need to pull out something quickly. This month, sticking to the theme is pages prompting kids to write about what they're thankful for. I've even included a version with space for them to write a reason why they're thankful for that thing. I've also put in an alphabet trace page - something I include each month thus far for the little ones!
Mapping activities are new this month! Novembers maps will be the continents. In future months we'll cover each continent, countries, oceans, and more! You'll get 2 maps; one with names filled in, one without names for practicing saying or writing the names. I'm also putting in smaller versions for big families or classes!
Math! It's always good to bring a little fun into your math studies a few times every month so I have been including a fun math activity every month. This month you'll get flip & add, subtract, divide, and multiply mats! These are a fun way to practice math facts and can be customized with the blank cards I'm including as well. I have also put in some fun turkey shape patterning strips this month for practicing patterns. So fun!

Last, but certainly not least, is something I had made quite a while ago - but in French! I put these number posters 1-100 in my TeachersPayTeachers shop as a freebie in French but decided this month to remake another version in English. They've been super popular so far with some great reviews, which I love! And I love them too - in fact, we use them in our homeschool quite often. We'll also be using these English posters with my youngest who is learning her number words to 100. I'll be posting them in my TPT shop later on, but for now, my wonderful subscribers will get them ahead of time!
If you haven't signed up for my newsletter yet, you can right now and get instant access to these freebies through to the new year :)
Don't forget to check out the STEM + Art Bundle! It's only on for a few more days! It includes 2 of my biggest resources, plus over 3000 pages of other STEM (science, tech, engineering, math) curriculum too!