Quebec History Mystery 22
Changes in new France 1645-1745
It's time for another Quebec History Mystery!
Want to see the other units available? Click here!
In this unit, students will discover the changes that took place in the territory, people, government and economy of New France between 1645 and 1745.
As always, these units come with a quick and easy to use QR code for research (or a link in the back).
My kids love to grab their tablet or my phone and use the code to look up information. As with most of these units, the link takes you to a page from Learn QC. Here they'll find all of the information they need to complete the entire unit and cover all the progressions.
These units also come with comprehension questions to show what your child has learned. These questions show that you have covered all of the progressions, as is required by law in Quebec. I am always sure to make the questions simple and to the point to make learning a little easier for kids this age.
In some units, there are small projects, but you may choose to add your own projects, books, or videos to make learning about these time periods more fun. We actually study ancient history alongside these units so we use these as more of a fill-in for what they would be learning in school.
And, of course, to make the unit FUN there is a badge for kids to earn for each unit. This is just a way to help keep them motivated and wanting to do the next units too!
I am also sure to include maps and graphs that can be helpful to use throughout the units as you go. Seeing as how this is the second to last unit for grades 3-4, there are no new maps in this one, but the same ones as the previous unit.
You can download this free unit by clicking on the link below!
If you would like to share this unit, please feel free to share the link to THIS blog, NOT the google drive link. This helps keep the link working well for everyone. If you would like to share a paper copy for FREE you may, so long as my website remains in the corner of the page.
Enjoy Learning!