Saturday, September 9, 2023

NEW! French Read, Spell and Write Unit 4

NEW! French Read, Spell and Write Unit 4

 Want to try a free 2-day sample of this program? Click here!

Want some awesome French learning FREEBIES? Click here!

I am so happy to be releasing the fourth unit in this multi-week series today that will cover weeks 7 and 8 of learning to write in French!

If you have French Second Language writers who are struggling to jump from writing vocabulary words to writing full sentences, then this program is for you! In this unit kids will learn about prepositions, the verb 'to be' in French, and so much more!

Lesson Plans, Scripts & Dictations! Oh My!
Each of these French units lasts a total of two weeks. This gives your kids the chance to really get to know the rule and the words they are learning without feeling too rushed. But don't worry about your learners just writing words without context on a page - this unit gets them really putting their OWN unique sentences together!

In unit 1-3 (weeks 1-6), students will have gone from writing very basic sentences (Il y a un chat) to, in this unit, writing 3 sentences on their own or from a word/picture prompt. Since they've had plenty of time to build these skills, they'll be able to look at a simple picture or photo and write about it. 

They will also continue to learn about the verb ĂȘtre (to be) in the present tense and how to properly use it. I've included a teaching script you can follow, as well as rule posters to display and give out, daily dictations, student reading booklets, and a lesson plan or rhythm you can follow.

Worksheets, Quizzes and More!
In these units, learners will also practice identifying masculine and feminine nouns (this rule was learned in weeks 1 and 2), reading sentences, writing sentences, and correcting grammar mistakes in sentences.

There is a worksheet to do everyday (3 days per week) and a weekly quiz to use on the fourth day. There are also daily dictations that you can read aloud and have students write down on the included dictation sheets. This is a great way to get students writing too!

Learning from previous weeks is also spiralled into each week, so rules and words are not forgotten.

Grab Your Units Below - Or Try it For FREE!
You can find these units in my TeachersPayTeachers shop by clicking on the link below.
You can also download a FREE 2-day sample of weeks 1 and 2 here.